Friday, September 21, 2012

Structure of this blog


I am still developing a format/structure for this blog. I think it is a work in progress.

  1. I want to discuss broad topics of history.
  2. I want to talk about different themes in history (gender- women in history, history of the family, to name a couple).
  3. I want to discuss different areas of history (political, economic, military, criminal, government, but deeper more personal history of specific people and families (lower-class not just upper-class).
  4. I want to talk about history from many different places (Provincial, City specific, Countries, Eras) 
  5. I also want to mention different historical events- looking at multiple perspectives.
  6. We will talk about historical figures.
  7. We also talk in more general terms about historical research- how to study history?
  8. Terminology- historical terms or terms you might find in a history book.
  9. We will also look and discuss different books, articles, magazines, and websites (review of historical literature).

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