Friday, September 14, 2012

Re-inventing one's self and revitalize and using one's passion in life

I have had blogs in the past and they never lasted. I even tried a blog about history which is my life's passion and for some reason I let it get away from me and instead of trying to revitalize that old blog (2+years); I decided to start a new blog (to start fresh) and to rejuvenate myself. History and studying/sharing history has always been my passion and something enjoy.

I am almost 27 years old.
I have a BA with an honors degree in history with a minor in English- I wrote a thesis many moons ago about Prohibition in Saint John, New Brunswick.
I have since completed my B.ED specializing in secondary education (high school/middle school) social studies and English.
I was a substitute teacher and than a full-time grade 8 teacher in Northern Manitoba.
I am currently un-employed.
Within the last 2 weeks I have started my Master's in Education program in Curriculum Studies.

I think this is the perfect time to research and share my passion for history (in particular looking at British history and the role of the monarch's over the years).

1 comment:

  1. I'm really excited to read more Christina! I too have a passion for history though yours certainly outshines mine lol. Please keep us informed as to when you add posts by linkin us up on Facebook! :-)
