Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bridging the gap- making history appealing to the masses

History can be interesting, fun, wide-ranging appeal if varying approaches are taken. History is not just about dates.

History can take a wide variety of forms and you can approach it from a lot of different topics and this will allow you to provide a connection with history.

- Do you like politics? Than maybe studying the history of political elections or looking at a political figure would interest you.
-Do you love crime shows? Than maybe studying crime, crime patterns, or a specific criminal would spark your interests in crime and bridge the gap with history.
-Do you like women (feminism) or family stories? Maybe you could look at the history of family? How has family changed over time? Or look at a specific event from the perspective of women and family.

You can study why our country is the way it is? For example, look at political relations (why do we get along with certain countries more than others), government and elections, justice system, health care, education.
Use current events/media for ideas and look for connections with the past to link up with the present.

History is not useless facts- they provide context for other areas of your life. Like reading the newspaper (history is useful background information).

History provides connections to yourself (places your life in context), your family (how did you come to live in area and why), and your community.

History isn't just reading in a book but it is also about experiences- act like a tourist in your own town. What can you explore for a low cost and learn something important about your community?

Another area you could study with family heirlooms and artefacts --research a special piece (your grandmother's china or photographs).

Look at form and function of events, people, and also things.


  1. Totally true! I love the point about crime shows; not only that other television shows are very historic sometimes without the viewer noticing. I will say that shows like CSI and Law and Order have taken their own spin on some historical events to make some amazing shows. But, other shows even on Spike like Greatest Warrior, have to find people who are experts in ancient fighting styles and weaponry. History can come alive you can hold it, feel it, and live it. That being said, learning to make, use and master a historic weapon like the Hun's compound bow does little until a person understands how that weapon being used against lesser technology allowed the Huns to most of the known world.

  2. Excellent point Steve- there are some amazing television shows out there that incorporate and use history or historical elements while engaging viewers and appealing to the masses (and also appealing to other interests).
